Leadership Style Values & Purpose

The Virtual Hug

Shellye Archambeau


We want to know that people care about us, and that doesn't stop at the workplace. Shellye talks a lot about metrics and measurements, but she doesn't forget about the personal side.


We want to know that people care about us, and that doesn’t stop at the workplace. Shellye talks a lot about metrics and measurements, but she doesn’t forget about the personal side.


How is leadership changing as we move into the future would you say?

Shellye Archambeau

I'm not so sure it's changing as much as what's going to be more valued in leadership, I think is evolving. So right now, because of all that is going on, one of the things that I talk to leaders about is in times like these people want to know that somebody cares about them. At the end of the day, we are people. And just like we want to know when we're home and with our families, that we are cared, that somebody cares about us, that they have our interest at heart, when they're doing things that they're thinking about us, when they make decisions. All that we want at home, we want the same thing in the office. We want to know that people actually care about us. So, I think it's more important than ever for leaders to actually demonstrate that they care. Again, it's back to when you're especially stresses, it's same thing when you're personal, when you're stressed and things are going crazy, you just want to say, I need a hug, right? It's the same kind of virtual hug that you're looking for. So, the caring and the empathy and all that is important and oh, by the way, employees are going to remember it. So, once we get out of this period, you know, right now there's not a lot of mobility for most companies their voluntary attrition is way down. But when things get better, people are going to feel like they have more options. They're going to be willing to take more risk as it relates to their overall jobs. And those folks that felt they didn't get the empathy, didn't get the caring, they’re going to vote with their feet. So, now is the time to lay that groundwork to ensure that going forward, you have the team you want at the end of the day,