Team Success

The Team That Curls Together Stays Together

Jan Kang


Many companies have struggled with maintaining employee engagement in a virtual world. But with more workers returning to the office, companies like Stairwell are bringing back off-site team building activities – ranging from gaming to curling.


Many companies have struggled with maintaining employee engagement in a virtual world. But with more workers returning to the office, companies like Stairwell are bringing back off-site team building activities – ranging from gaming to curling.


There has been a huge increase in remote work, can you share some strategies or techniques that you use to enhance and maintain employee engagement – especially in a time when so many people don’t get to see their colleagues or bosses as much as before in person?

Jan Kang

That’s a really tough question, Thuy, and one that we are still working on. When I joined the company, we started a monthly game night, because software engineers like their gaming. And I did my best, even though I didn’t understand any of these games among us, to participate.


Well, kudos for trying, kudos for trying.

Jan Kang

We’re trying. Then we also would—we had virtual offsite, we were fortunate enough to have George Tenet, one of our investors advisors come speak, and that was fascinating. So, we try to have engaging sessions. That being said, people are on camera and a video conference, so much for their work. It’s hard to say, let’s do a social event that is around the camera again, being in these boxes.
We’ve encouraged local groups to get together, for example, we have a small group in Colorado, and they’re going to go curling together.


They’re inspired by the Winter Olympics.

Jan Kang

They’re going to go curling.