The Sky is Falling!

Julie Wainwright


It's hard to remain stable and rational when it feels like the world is falling apart. 2020 brought wildfires, political strife, and of course a global pandemic. A big strain on mental health. Julie's approach to helping her team stay on track is empathetic and progressive.


It’s hard to remain stable and rational when it feels like the world is falling apart. 2020 brought wildfires, political strife, and of course a global pandemic. A big strain on mental health. Julie’s approach to helping her team stay on track is empathetic and progressive.


Do you find it extremely challenging to try to keep people motivated and focused during these challenging times?

Julie Wainwright

Oh, I think it's really hard every day. It's hard because everyday people have so many pressures on them. COVID is scary. There's no doubt about that. But most of my employees have kids, so they're also worried about their children's education, really worried about their children's education. They're worried about finding a place that they can work, but also take care of their kids. They're worried about their parents who are getting older and then you have natural disasters to worry about, we're already in early fire season in California. So it's a lot it's a lot for any one person, let alone a person working in a business that's growing.


So what do you tell them? There is a lot going on.

Julie Wainwright

Well, I think the key is people may not act rationally during this time, and I think the key is, you know, especially if you've been working with them for a long time, you know how they normally are in many cases. I've worked with some of the team for eight years. So you know how they are, you know how they think, when you see them acting differently than their patterns of what they've been. I think the best thing I can tell them is you need a vacation. You need to really stop. Because the other thing working at home has really made it possible for people to work a lot more hours and that never is good for them. And then you're stuck in your house. So it's more about telling people to figure out a way to take time for themselves, take a vacation, even if it's not the vacation you thought you were going to take. Find a way to take up time for yourself and your family because it's too hard otherwise.