Innovation Leadership Style Passion

The Science Behind Human Behavior

Tracy Sun


Tracy has degrees in biology and psychology, which don’t seem like obvious areas of study in preparation for a career in fashion. As Tracy explains, her interest in human behavior is exactly why she decided to pursue a career in the fashion world and build brands run by technology.


Tracy has degrees in biology and psychology, which don’t seem like obvious areas of study in preparation for a career in fashion. As Tracy explains, her interest in human behavior is exactly why she decided to pursue a career in the fashion world and build brands run by technology.


You have degrees in psychology and biology. What made you want to get into fashion and tech? I’m not sure I connect all the dots there.

Tracy Sun

Well, it’s interesting because biology and psychology are just topics you study in school, and they happen to be what I’m interested in. And they are courses you can sign on for. I was always interested in human behavior. Very tied into it, you know, just my background and why are people doing things the way they’re doing them? Is it because they’ve always done it that way? Is it because they want to do it that way? Why does their behaviour not always match their words? I just was seeking to understand. So, those are the topics that I studied to try to understand humans.
When you get out there into the real world, there’s no clear job for biology and psychology. I actually started thinking that I was going to follow the medical path. Maybe I’ll be a neuroscience doctor or something like that. And what I realized is you can apply this curiosity and you can apply these learnings to almost any industry. And I picked fashion because I love brands. Brand is something we create. We dream it and we create it, but it’s real. It feels real to the customer. And I was just so fascinated by that.
So, I wanted to be part of it. I wanted to build brands. And then I did that in fashion and I absolutely loved it. And then I realized you could do it faster and a much more scalable way to reach many more people if you build brands that are run by technology. And so that’s how I feel like I’ve been on a very clear path from day one, though it might not even seem that long.


All right, well, thank you for connecting those dots for me.