Feedback & Coaching Leadership Style

The Role of Trust in a Mentoring Relationship

Rodrigo Liang


Trust is considered by many great leaders as the cornerstone of a successful mentoring relationship. So how do you build trust as a mentor? As Rodrigo puts it, sometimes it’s as simple as just listening.


Trust is considered by many great leaders as the cornerstone of a successful mentoring relationship. So how do you build trust as a mentor? As Rodrigo puts it, sometimes it’s as simple as just listening.


Are there any boundaries a mentor shouldn’t approach, or should be cautious of overseeing?

Rodrigo Liang

I usually let the individual guide, kind of how comfortable they are with the types of… Because it’s a blend between career and personal, but sometimes folks, they’re more private, and they want to go into what’s guiding their choices to potentially leave a job, or change a job, whatever.
But I think they’re there as a sounding board sometimes too, right? Nothing to do other than just be a sounding board. But my sense is, I think great mentors, they become really trusted advisors more than anything, people somebody come to and say, “I just need to…this is what I’m thinking.” And if they trust you, if they trust that, hey, this is something I can share with you, then you’ve done your job, right? And you’re doing a good job, and you’re somebody that they can go to when they need help.