Feedback & Coaching Growth Mindset

The Gift of Perspective

Tekedra Mawakana


When someone takes the time to give feedback, Tekedra views it as a chance to grow and learn. Hear Tekedra explain why she truly believes feedback is a gift.


When someone takes the time to give feedback, Tekedra views it as a chance to grow and learn. Hear Tekedra explain why she truly believes feedback is a gift.


What about some strategies for effectively receiving feedback?

Tekedra Mawakana

I really think it’s so cliche and people don’t love it, but I think you can receive feedback with the mindset that feedback is indeed a gift. And the reason I say that is, it requires an investment of time for the feedback giver. And I think people, especially busy people, only invest their time in the most important things, and there isn’t anything more important at a company than the people.

And so, I think when someone takes the time to give the feedback, really being open to learn, ask questions, well, how would you have handled it? How would you suggest I handle it? Because I think, one, it builds a bridge because feedback can definitely be an opportunity for a bridge. Two, it reminds that person that I’m in learning mode, I’m interested in getting better.

And then, three; I think it makes it more likely that I get more feedback if I don’t actually act on the feedback I’ve been given, if I receive it that way. I think if I don’t receive it that way, I’m more likely… I always say we’re wearing feedback mode or we’re in brand building mode. And when you’re not receiving feedback, you’re building a brand that that’s how you are. And if how you are works great, but if how you are would be benefited by the feedback, you’d rather be in feedback receiving mode.