Accountability Leading Change

The Difference Between Good And Great

Deb Liu


How do you take a team, and the team's results, from good to great? Over her years in leadership at the highest levels of tech, Deb has come to believe that people rise to the occasion with the right leadership and goals.


How do you take a team, and the team’s results, from good to great? Over her years in leadership at the highest levels of tech, Deb has come to believe that people rise to the occasion with the right leadership and goals.


Can you describe some leadership practices that you have established to hold people accountable on your team and enhance performance of all employees, not just those who are struggling?

Deb Liu

You know, people rise to the occasion and they rise to your level of expectations. I've seen that so many times. If you believe somebody can do it, you believe this team is better, sharing that feedback and saying, hey, that was a good presentation, here's what's going to make it great. And work alongside them to get there. That is really what people want to see. They don't want some guru from the top of the mountain to say, okay, like here's what you should do. It's the difference between good and great, there's a lot of teams that are good, and the question as a leader is how do you get them to great? Because the difference between good and great is often 10X. And so by saying, hey, let's actually work together on this. How can we get better? What are the things that we can do? And how can we hold teams accountable to delivering?

I think that that's incredibly important. One of the things that you do is, it goes from first the vision, right? What is the vision for the company? And then the next step is what is the strategy? So given that vision, what is our strategy to get there? But beyond that, it's what are the metrics? How do we measure and how do we actually take that and then translate it to the next thing, which is execution. And on execution then we have accountability. And I think if you choose such these five things together, you're actually seeing from a vision to individual accountability and actually leading teams through the entire process.