Feedback & Coaching Greater Purpose Passion

The Dedicated Mentor

Trier Bryant


Mentoring relationships are not something that Trier Bryant takes lightly. Since mentoring has been so important in her own career, she’s made sure to pay it forward. In fact, her level of dedication is inspiring once you hear about the special and unique tradition she shares with one of her mentees.


Mentoring relationships are not something that Trier Bryant takes lightly. Since mentoring has been so important in her own career, she’s made sure to pay it forward. In fact, her level of dedication is inspiring once you hear about the special and unique tradition she shares with one of her mentees.


Trier Bryant

The last thing that I just want to quickly share is when it comes to boundaries, again it really depends. One of my favorite things that I will share is I have a mentee and she’s like, “I know you’re really busy.” And so what she does is Martin Luther King weekend, she would always fly to wherever I was, and she would spend the weekend with me. And she would ask, and now it’s just a thing. Everyone knows that MLK weekend is Jasmine’s. And she’s also brought friends and so we spend two or three days together. And she comes with a list of questions. And I mean, questions! I mean she usually has over 100 questions. We sit on the couch, we go on walks, and we do whatever. And she just asks these questions.
And for her, she’s pulled these questions together over the year, or things that happened. And if there’s something time-sensitive, she’ll call, she loves just having that weekend, that saturation of just I get Trier. And I value that so much. And the other thing that I really appreciate that she does is she says, “Hey, I’m going to go see Trier, do you want to come with me? You will have an amazing experience.” Well, listen, things I’ve learned in that weekend as well, it’s amazing.


I haven’t heard of that from anyone. And I’ve asked a lot of leaders about mentoring relationships, but to have that level of dedication and that connection, that is so special.