Leading Change Team Success Values & Purpose

The Case for Curiousity

Sandy Venugopal


Curiosity is a force that drives innovation and the launch of new ideas. In a rapidly changing world, Sandy says it’s critical for leaders to promote curiosity and a desire to learn and adapt without constraint.


Curiosity is a force that drives innovation and the launch of new ideas. In a rapidly changing world, Sandy says it’s critical for leaders to promote curiosity and a desire to learn and adapt without constraint.


Great leaders do seem to possess great growth mindsets. There are always opportunities to learn. They’re always looking for opportunities and seizing them. How important is curiosity for success as a leader?

Sandy Venugopal

Well, I would say it’s very important. The world is evolving around us so quickly. It feels like things change, not just in terms of industries that pop up, technologies that get innovated on every day, consumer behaviors that change, global events and crises that pop up—unfortunately, seems like with too much frequency these days.
I think that the notion of being curious about what’s going on around us, how is the world changing around us? How should we adapt as individuals, as organizations, as companies to react in ways that make a difference in the world for the better? I think is very important.
And that comes from that mindset of “there’s so much I can learn. There’s so much I need to learn. And I will stay open to learning from everybody that I meet,” I think is very important as a leader because it helps you build that empathy for your team, build the empathy for your customers, and really set what I think is vision with more clarity. And it helps you better with the storytelling, because you understand and hopefully learn from different perspectives, I think it helps sell your ideas better and bring team members along on that journey with you.