Taking the Long View

Vijay Advani


In January 2020, Vijay Advani transitioned from CEO to Executive Chairman at Nuveen, an asset management company with over $1 trillion in assets. He's using the shift to take a more macro approach to the company, looking towards the problems and opportunities of the future.


In January 2020, Vijay Advani transitioned from CEO to Executive Chairman at Nuveen, an asset management company with over $1 trillion in assets. He’s using the shift to take a more macro approach to the company, looking towards the problems and opportunities of the future.


I want to talk to you a little bit about your role now as executive chairman of Nuveen. You recently ascended to that role. What is your vision for the company and how do you plan to get there?

Vijay Advani

So, I'm now the executive chairman of Nuveen. It gives me a little more time from running the day to day business. And my focus really is going to be on the artificial intelligence, how it disrupts portfolio management. And I'm very curious about how computers and A.I. and big data impacts our day to day lives. And second, which I'm more passionate about or equally passionate about is responsible investing and impact investing. So I get some more time on both these very important topics for the future while the day to day business is run by a colleague of mine.


Do you have a playbook for leadership, proven strategies that you go back to time and time again?

Vijay Advani

Yeah, I think it goes back to being a 20 year old or somebody graduating from college. It goes back to these are two areas that I'm yet learning about. Learning is a journey, not a destination, so you have to continue to have that curiosity, continue to learn and see where the hockey puck is actually going. These are two areas that I believe are important to our industry and important to society. And I'm going to be spending the next eight to ten years or longer really studying and hopefully contributing to my firm and to the industry in general in these two areas specifically.