Leadership Style Values & Purpose

Sunshine Law

Shellye Archambeau


Shellye has achieved massive business success and led household-name companies. So how does she structure her approach, and what values create the framework of her career?


Shellye has achieved massive business success and led household-name companies. So how does she structure her approach, and what values create the framework of her career?


I know that you believe everyone should take time to reflect and plan out their lives. Understand that there may be detours along the way, but at least have a plan to work from. Tell us about the top two personal values that you use to guide your decision making and your life.

Shellye Archambeau

Oh gosh. So one is, I call it my sunshine law. And this is really around integrity. There's a lot of gray in business, a lot of grey, you know, black and white is easy, but there's a lot of gray. And so I'd asked myself before I was making a decision or getting ready to do something, et cetera. It's like, okay, if what I'm doing or what I decide, or what I say shows up on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, can I live with that? And if I can, I did it. And if I couldn't, I didn't. So, that was one, I call it my sunshine laws like, okay, can it stay in the light of day. So, that was one. And then the second one, and this is probably going to sound kind of trite. But anyway, but the second one was, I tried to behave how I wanted people to behave with me. And so I have been who I am. I mean, who you see, I'm much more confident now than I was when I was younger, for sure. But in terms of who I am fundamentally, I'm that same girl.