Start With the Past

Vijay Advani


When Vijay Advani needs to solve a leadership problem, he looks to history, drawing from patterns and precedents across generations. Here, he lists his top 3 leadership lessons for emerging leaders.


When Vijay Advani needs to solve a leadership problem, he looks to history, drawing from patterns and precedents across generations. Here, he lists his top 3 leadership lessons for emerging leaders.


For someone who's an aspiring leader, can you share with us three things that you wish you had known before you became a leader?

Vijay Advani

I think the first and foremost is be an avid reader of history. I only took to that much later because history repeats itself. You learn a lot from history, right? From history of the governments of countries, because at the end of the day, we're just a group like the United Nations, in the office space. So you really learn why are people doing certain things. Learn history, take calculated risk. It doesn't mean go jump over the cliff, but definitely take calculated risks, because at the end of the day, that's what life's all about. And third is be extremely curious. And that goes back to travel, have curiosity to talk to colleagues without an objective or a motive, just to find out what's going on, what's their background, what's their life. If you have that curiosity, you can put it into your workplace. And that leads to finding the ultimate success.