Start Where You’re Comfortable

Lisa Lambert


As a mentor and a leader, Lisa strongly encourages young people to take an honest assessment of what they want and need in the workplace. From environment and sector, to team size and impact, there are many factors that play into developing your career and skills.


As a mentor and a leader, Lisa strongly encourages young people to take an honest assessment of what they want and need in the workplace. From environment and sector, to team size and impact, there are many factors that play into developing your career and skills.


We have a lot of young people who watch these videos, aspiring leaders who want to have a social impact in addition to being very effective in their workplaces. How would you advise a young leader today in planning their careers, start small and then go big or start at a big organization and then go small?

Lisa Lambert

Well, I mentor a few people, and the young people that I mentor, I always say take an assessment of your strengths, your values, and what you want to achieve generally, right? You don't have to be specific. I didn't know I would be doing venture capital when I graduated from college for sure. I thought I wanted to be a general manager. And so take an assessment of what are the things that you like? What are the things that really move you? What are the things that get you excited? And what environments do you like? I think you should start where you're comfortable. I think you challenge yourself down the road, there's going to be enough challenges that you won't have to look for them. But when you're first starting, you should be in a place where you feel that you can contribute, you feel like it's an environment that you like. If you like big, go big, if you like small, then go small. But I think you really do want to pick that first place so that you can develop confidence and get and appreciate what are the things you're really good at, what are the things that people appreciate about you. And I think it gives you more focus, it does give you more confidence. I think the next job and the job after that can be more out of your comfort zone. But I think you want to start someplace where you can build that confidence and build those relationships that will propel you for the rest of your career.