Diversity & Inclusion Greater Purpose Team Success Values & Purpose

Something Meaningful

Kirsten Wolberg


Employees don't just want a paycheck. They want meaning and an opportunity to grow. Kirsten is careful to build in the mission and instill passion in her employees, and it's part of what has driven her success.


Employees don’t just want a paycheck. They want meaning and an opportunity to grow. Kirsten is careful to build in the mission and instill passion in her employees, and it’s part of what has driven her success.


Employees want growth potential. They want something, it's just not a paycheck anymore. They would like to know there are some development opportunities at the company when they come in.

Kirsten Wolberg

They want to know that there's development opportunities and they also more and more people want to know there's the core purpose that has a bigger meaning. It's not just, hey we're going to make as much money as we can. Certainly there's nothing wrong with that as your core purpose. But we as human beings, we are on this planet and we are here to do good in the world. And I am really focused on workforce development outside of my job, but it's really great that I can bring that workforce development passion inside of my job too. And DocuSign, Salesforce, Charles Schwab, PayPal, all of these companies that I was with really fundamentally believed in helping the talent challenge, but also helping those that are in underserved communities. Those who have a wide opportunity to buy who just can't get to the careers and the career paths because of the zip code that they were born into. And so I think that is something that more and more employees are prioritizing above compensation. I want to feel like I'm doing something meaningful, something that has purpose. And it's great with companies like DocuSign where every time a customer uses your product, you're saving trees. You're helping the environment. It's great when those things come together,