Shared Playbook Team Success

Slam Dunk Team

David Chun


A high-performance team in business is no different from sports. Whether it's a point guard or a VP of sales, the positions all play a critical part in the team success, and if one person isn't doing their job, the whole can't function optimally.


A high-performance team in business is no different from sports. Whether it’s a point guard or a VP of sales, the positions all play a critical part in the team success, and if one person isn’t doing their job, the whole can’t function optimally.


In your opinion, what are the essential ingredients of a high-performance team?

David Chun

Yeah, I mean, it's not any different from a high performing board or a high performing sports team, right? I mean, at the end of the day, you want to have a point guard. You want to have your center, you want to have… Right? People who bring different skills. Same thing goes with the team. I look at our organization, broadly speaking, there are three major legs to our stool, obviously our data, right? So we need to have high quality data. We need to have engineers and product managers who can take that data and bring it to life. And then we need to have a sales and marketing team that can help get them message out, high performing teams. It's really just having a balance of, I wouldn't want to have like my head of sales run our engineering team and vice versa.


And so when it comes to measuring the performance of your team, how often do you do it? And what's the importance of that particular cadence of frequency that you've established?

David Chun

Yeah. Yeah. So we're big on dashboards. We are a big fan of John Doerr’s book, Measure What Matters: Objectives And Key Results. We've just rolled out our software package. We literally meet every Friday as a team as a company for 20 minutes to review how we're doing on the key objectives. Because in our business like many businesses things are pretty fluid. So every quarter we lay out what do we want accomplish this quarter and just making sure kind of we're helping them move in the right direction.