Sacred Family Rituals

Theresia Gouw


As a mother of 4, Theresia has some serious demands on her time outside of the workplace. So how does she do it? Her advice is universal and easily applicable across careers and lifestyles.


As a mother of 4, Theresia has some serious demands on her time outside of the workplace. So how does she do it? Her advice is universal and easily applicable across careers and lifestyles.


On a personal note, you have four children and you must be so incredibly busy. Are there some things you won't negotiate on when it comes to taking time away from work?

Theresia Gouw

Yeah. So one of my women CEOs gave me this advice before having my first child, who's now 16, was that, you know, identify... at every phase in their life, identify the one or two things that are really important to you that you get joy from, in doing with your child or eventually children, and then just make sure that you do that every day. You know, obviously when we travel, but when you're around to make it sacred. So I remember when my kids were little, so some people love giving their babies baths. I was actually always a little bit scared of that. But I love, love, love putting my kids to bed, reading them bedtime stories. So, you know, it was sort of like without fail, if I except, you know, except for the days when I was traveling, if I was in town, I was going to be home. And kind of everybody knew that there was a 45 minute window, sometimes an hour. Some of the kids are a little harder to get to go to bed, when I was just going to be completely offline. But people knew what it was and people knew that like before that, after that I would, I would be back online. And that really I don't know for me personally that really stuck with me and that really resonated. Now my kids are all older. And for me, it's we have and I get the eye rolls from the teenagers... we have family dinner.


All right. Good for you.

Theresia Gouw

You know, sometimes it's only like twenty minutes between, like, homework and stuff. But, you know, we're actually going to sit and talk and not have phones. So. Yeah.