Ruth’s Big 3

Ruth Porat


Never stop learning. Always push yourself outside of your comfort zone and take risk. Have somebody who has your back. These are Ruth Porat's top 3 lessons for anyone in business.


Never stop learning. Always push yourself outside of your comfort zone and take risk. Have somebody who has your back. These are Ruth Porat’s top 3 lessons for anyone in business.

Ruth Porat has been fortunate to have had some great managers and mentors in business. From this rich experience, she shares her own top three rules for success.


If there was one thing you could say to every aspiring leader in the world what would it be and why?

Ruth Porat

It's probably not one. I would say never stop learning. Always push yourself outside of your comfort zone and take risk and have somebody who has your back. Make sure you're working for the right person one of my favorite lines from a boss I had he said I want to be your senior air cover I think you'll soar but I'm here to backstop you if you have an issue I'm always here for you and I think if you combine a great boss who's your senior air cover with incredible curiosity and a willingness to be outside of your comfort zone there's really no limit to what you can end up doing and it's a lot of fun.