Accountability Risk & Resilience

Report Cards

Gail McGovern


Gail McGovern loves metrics: how many liters of blood were collected? How much money did your donors contribute? And in a virtual world, she's leaned even more heavily into her old standby. Strangely enough, she's seen a focus on metrics turn a tumultuous time into the most productive ever for Red Cross!


Gail McGovern loves metrics: how many liters of blood were collected? How much money did your donors contribute? And in a virtual world, she’s leaned even more heavily into her old standby. Strangely enough, she’s seen a focus on metrics turn a tumultuous time into the most productive ever for Red Cross!


In our modern world today with these hybrid work models out there, what would you say are the most critical factors in building a high performance team?

Gail McGovern

So first of all, I haven't completely given up my devotion to measurements. And so it's setting expectations, having metrics, everyone wants to see their report cards. So, how many funds did you raise? How many units of blood did your group collect per head count? Were your blood donors satisfied? I mean, we have a slew of metrics that go with the right job descriptions. And I think measurement is really important. The other thing is I really do think we're going to all have to invent ways to make people feel like they're part of a team, even if they're not physically there. And it's going to take a lot of virtual communication and I think sooner or later, it's going to also take some face-to-face team building, whether it's a picnic or an outing or just something, so people can have that human connection again. I think that's going to be an extremely important part of this. But I am finding that our efficiency and our effectiveness has improved through COVID it's improved. There are also some people that can't work from home, they have small children and they can't keep this up. They don't have a good work environment. I think flexibility is going to be really important and measuring people's productivity and making them feel connected to the mission. A lot of staff meetings, I see people have a mission moment before they start, and it could be about somebody who saved a life with first aid and CPR or somebody that got a rare unit of blood to a hospital, and an infant was saved. It keeps it real and it reminds us why we're here. And I think that is an important part of getting people motivated remotely too.