Leading Change Values & Purpose

Recycle, Reuse, Reposh!

Tracy Sun


Environment, social, and government (ESG) are such hot topics in the corporate world today, but they are something that Tracy Sun doesn’t take lightly. Learn how she and her company support customers to make purchasing decisions that minimize environmental impact.


Environment, social, and government (ESG) are such hot topics in the corporate world today, but they are something that Tracy Sun doesn’t take lightly. Learn how she and her company support customers to make purchasing decisions that minimize environmental impact.


I want to ask you about some ESG issues, because that’s so on the minds of many people in corporate America and in the public right now, and the resale market has been praised for reducing waste and helping to minimize negative impacts on the environment. Can you share with us your thoughts on ESG issues in corporate America? And what role does Poshmark play in that?

Tracy Sun

Yeah, first I’d like to start off by saying how happy I am, pleasantly surprised I am, how seriously we are taking sustainability. It wasn’t until a few years ago. You know, everyone has always been saying how important it is, but up until a few years ago, consumers were saying it was important, but then voted with their dollars in a different way.
And what I’m seeing is really led by the younger generation. They’re like, “No, I care about it and it’s going to influence my purchase decisions because I will stand by these values.” And that is just such a wonderful thing to see and I support it wholeheartedly as an individual.
The overlap between our buyers and sellers is quite hot so we have a lot of community members who buy and sell and buy and sell. Maybe they do one more or the other at certain times in life, but they participate on both sides of the marketplace.
And why that’s so cool is we’re able to create a feature called Reposh. And what Reposh does is if you buy an item on Poshmark, we have this, we’ll send you an email or we’ll encourage you every now and then, but there’s a button on Poshmark that just says “Reposh.”
And that means if you’re done with that sweater, you’re done with that pair of jeans, or maybe you grew a size or lost a size, just hit that one button and it will load all of the information that the prior seller put into that item that you bought, and all you have to do is hit a button and it’ll be posted for sale again.
So periodically you say, “You know what? I’m going to clean out my closet and the things that I’ve moved on from, I’m going to make sure that it goes to a better home.” And you just go to the Poshmark, you have Reposh, Reposh, Reposh, and all of a sudden all of it goes up for sale and you don’t have to do anything.
So, what I think Poshmark is doing—what I know Poshmark is doing that I’m so proud of, is it’s educating consumers that reusing and reselling is easier and easier, and as we expand, the future will make it even easier. So, there’s never an end, even when a garment gets to what we think is the end, we have sellers who remix the item and upcycle it, so there is no end.
And I hope one day that we can track the journey of a sweater and share back with people, “Look at the impact you made in creating a more sustainable way to consume.”