Growth Mindset Passion Values & Purpose

Purpose-Driven Leadership

Tracy Sun


Purpose-driven leaders are guided in their work by a “North Star.” For Tracy, that comes down to people, and empowering them to build community.


Purpose-driven leaders are guided in their work by a “North Star.” For Tracy, that comes down to people, and empowering them to build community.


So, you’ve laid out a really wonderful people-first mission for the company. For you personally as a leader at Poshmark, what would you say is your North Star that drives you every day?

Tracy Sun

What drives me is definitely the people, right? It used to be, “Oh my gosh, we’re building the same concept,” and there is a community of sellers. Like at the time, eBay existed, so you really wanted to sell yourself. But what we wanted to do is we wanted to make selling so simple and easy that anybody could do it.
Today, it’s transferred a bit more to helping the people on my team grow, helping the community grow to become, not just the US, but really focus on future locations as well. So, more about scaling the vision, the build the vision you want.
Yeah, way back when it was all about, can we actually start a movement where people take the clothes in their closet and actually see if there’s value and see if they can sell it to someone who is at home across the country.