Leading Change Team Success Values & Purpose

Presenting Your True North at Every Opportunity


Having your team develop a shared commitment to your company’s principles is not an easy task. But repetition can be key! Listen in to learn why Rami Rahim stresses the importance of his company’s vision every chance he gets.


Having your team develop a shared commitment to your company’s principles is not an easy task. But repetition can be key! Listen in to learn why Rami Rahim stresses the importance of his company’s vision every chance he gets.


So how do you go about creating a shared commitment to these principles among your team, among your employees to make sure that everyone is rowing in the same direction?

Rami Rahim

Well, first, you’ve got to live the principles yourself. If you, yourself don’t live them, then don’t expect anybody else to do it. And in terms of rowing in the same direction, I think here, you have to consider yourself as a CRO – a Chief Repetition Officer – you have to repeat that strategy, that true north, that vision, every opportunity that you get, and you have to explain why the strategy is going to lead to success for your team or for your company.
And honestly, you have to do it until you can barely stand hearing yourself doing it. And honestly, it’s with that repetition that you start to get the buy-in that’s necessary. It doesn’t stop there, obviously, you’ve now got to set objectives that are aligned with the strategy, you’ve got to measure progress against those objectives. You’ve got to hold people accountable to achieving the results that are associated with those objectives.