Growth Mindset

Pay Your Dues

David Chun


Before launching a category-creating business in Equilar, David paid his dues in the public sector, at Bain, on Wall Street, and working in software before landing in the Bay Area and seeing an opportunity.


Before launching a category-creating business in Equilar, David paid his dues in the public sector, at Bain, on Wall Street, and working in software before landing in the Bay Area and seeing an opportunity.


I've known you for years, but I didn't realize until I was prepping for this interview that you are an engineer by training and you've also been a consultant at Bain. You've worked in investment banking as well. So when and how did you decide that your purpose in life was really something else entirely, to start a company and create an entirely new category in executive compensation data?

David Chun

Yeah. As you mentioned, I studied engineering as an undergrad. Interestingly, I never actually worked as an engineer. Candidly, I didn't know what to major in. So I actually started off as liberal arts and transferred into the engineering school, as opposed the other way around where most engineers run out, but it was a great background. I was fortunate enough to work for Bain right out of school, then worked at a software company, got my MBA, spent six years on Wall Street, starting off in New York and then coming out here in 1997, I was roughly about 30. And I just realized working with a lot of entrepreneurs and saw how exciting it was to get businesses off the ground and wanted to give it a shot. And I saw an opportunity because I'd spent a lot of time working with SCC data. And saw there's got to be an opportunity to mine this and build a company around that. And 20 years later thankfully it's all worked out.