Growth Mindset

One Critical Skill

David Chun


What one skill would David Chun choose to develop as a leader? With a focus on lifelong learning, he reflects on his career and the clarity that comes with hindsight.


What one skill would David Chun choose to develop as a leader? With a focus on lifelong learning, he reflects on his career and the clarity that comes with hindsight.


So after 20 years or so of being an entrepreneur and striking that balance between stubbornness and flexibility, if there is one skill now that you could select to develop as a leader that you're still working on, what would that be and why?

David Chun

Well, it's something that, I'm a big fan of lifelong learning and it's even myself as running a company for 21 years. There's so much I still don’t know. Right? And to say it's a skill, I don’t know. It's really that lifelong learning, that desire to continue to learn and always be curious, and to always recognize that you're not going to have all the answers and to really be open and be able to go out and seek the answers and seek input from as many people as possible.