Well, on the giving, probably, the owner broad things I guess I could mention, one is try to get the money out there as soon as you can, right? So, there's a lot of pledging going on, but the data on that shows, and I don't think this is malicious in any way, but money's just not getting out there fast enough and there's always problems happening right now, so kind of the number one thing is, like, instead of pledging, just get it out there and try to tackle the hard problems. I hope I don't get in trouble for this, so we kind of made a decision not to give to, like, arts and kind of theater stuff - not saying that that's not good but we've kind of made an effort really to things like food banks, homeless issues, some of the issues around child sexual abuse material. Thorn is a phenomenal, thorn.org, phenomenal organization, so that we've been involved with quite a bit, and things like give directly, giving direct donations to people in the developing world, Donors Choose, giving money to teachers, so we try to focus on that and things that just kind of catch your eye. I think weÕre new at this too, so we're kind of learning the ropes of philanthropy, but trying to learn as best we can.