No Screamers!

Amy Banse


Amy doesn't quite understand the leadership tactics of yelling and intimidation. How could you possibly hope to get the best out of your team if they are scared of you?


Amy doesn’t quite understand the leadership tactics of yelling and intimidation. How could you possibly hope to get the best out of your team if they are scared of you?

Amy doesn’t quite understand the leadership tactics of yelling and intimidation. How could you possibly hope to get the best out of your team if they are scared of you?


Sometimes people have the best intentions, but their methods aren't quite the best. So what are some of the not so effective ways that you have seen someone go about trying to be a leader?

Amy Banse

I've never understood screamers. Why?


I've been screamed at numerous times.

Amy Banse

What good can possibly come from screaming? I believe that you want your team coming to work every day excited to be there. And excited to work with the people that are in the office with them, on the team with them, and excited to work on their product.


And not being afraid to bring you bad news because they might be screamed at.

Amy Banse

Yes. How you can possibly accomplish that by terrifying them or intimidating them or screaming at them is beyond me.