Greater Purpose Passion Values & Purpose

Modern Day Crime Fighter

Jan Kang


As Chief Operating Officer of Stairwell Inc., a cybersecurity company, Jan Kang views herself as a modern day crime fighter. Discover why she wants to help solve the rising threat of cyber attacks – particularly from foreign nation states.


As Chief Operating Officer of Stairwell Inc., a cybersecurity company, Jan Kang views herself as a modern day crime fighter. Discover why she wants to help solve the rising threat of cyber attacks – particularly from foreign nation states.


You have worked for a number of technology companies over the years, including Alphabet. And that’s always looking at your work history, it’s such a rich body of work. And a lot of it has been focused on tech, why tech? Why are you drawn to that industry in particular?

Jan Kang

How can I not, living here in the Bay Area. But really, tech is built into the fabric of all our lives now, not just here in the Bay Area, but on a global basis. And for me being deep into tech is the key to understanding what’s happening in the world today, and a big part of solving big problems.
Stairwell is my third cyber security company, and I love it. I tell everybody we’re the modern day crime fighters. When I first said that to my CEO, Mike Wiacek, he said, “No, we’re the postmodern day crime fighters,” which I still don’t really understand. But it’s not just crime that we’re battling, I mean, nation states are now using cyber attacks as weapons of war, as we see everyday in the news.
And it’s not just tech that I’m drawn to, but it’s actually tech startups, I’m a little bit of a startup junkie. There’s so much creativity and possibility placed on startups, and the ability to address challenging issues, and the agility to be able to hopefully solve some of these challenges.