
Benno Dorer


Benno's approach to employee evaluation, and the rewards that come with growth, is clear, logical, and fair. Here, he outlines his vision for performance reviews, and how to get the best out of your workforce.


Benno’s approach to employee evaluation, and the rewards that come with growth, is clear, logical, and fair. Here, he outlines his vision for performance reviews, and how to get the best out of your workforce.


You talked earlier about metrics, and I assume that meant metrics for performance as well. What's your approach to measuring performance? For example, Netflix has engaged in a very aggressive meritocracy and Reed Hastings has written about that. How do you approach assessing performance?

Benno Dorer

Yeah, believe it or not, so I don't know the Netflix example specifically but I am a firm believer in meritocracy. So I believe in performance evaluations and performance conversations to be systemic, to be transparent, and to be regular and ongoing. Importantly, I also believe that performance evaluations need to be separate from growth organizations. So the performance assessment is different from, you know, what do you want to be and where do you want to take your career, because those types of growth conversations have to be free of fear and free of performance categorization. But at Clorox, we do performance assessments once a year, we have growth conversations once a quarter, and that's been really productive to separate the two.