Accountability Growth Mindset

Measuring Performance

Antonio Neri


Every leader seems to have a different approach to measuring performance at their company. Antonio explains which metrics are important to him and how he keeps his team on track.


Every leader seems to have a different approach to measuring performance at their company. Antonio explains which metrics are important to him and how he keeps his team on track.


If you had to pick, what would you say are the most important performance factors to measure?

Antonio Neri

Well, we’ve measured a number of things. First of all, customer relevancy. Are we relevant to customers? Because in the end, if you’re not, it doesn’t matter the rest, right? Second is, obviously, the financial performance of that should be reflected, which obviously, whether it’s revenue, operating profit.
Then there is what I call the operation side of the house, which is basically talking about the metric associated to efficiency and effectiveness of our process, which ultimately ties to that customer relevancy, which obviously, is NPS score and satisfaction.
And then the last one, but not least is the things about the roadmap, we agree we’re going to deliver these things, at this time, with this quality, are we on track or not? So, there’s multiple metrics that goes into it. But there’s also the aspect of inclusion and diversity, which are unique, different metrics associated with ethnicity and gender metrics that we track and as well as, other things that we’ve measured as part of that process, and energy efficiency, we are going to design in our products.