Feedback & Coaching Greater Purpose

Make a Lasting Impact

Steven Galanis


Steven has relied on his mentors for sound advice and now he’s paying it forward. Listen in to learn what he looks for in a mentee.


Steven has relied on his mentors for sound advice and now he’s paying it forward. Listen in to learn what he looks for in a mentee.


Do you yourself have mentees? And when someone asks to be your mentee, what do you look for?

Steven Galanis

Yeah, I do. I have a few mentees, but one in particular, he was the CFO of Cameo and he’s just gone to start his own company called Protege, which I’m really excited about. You know, for me, I look for, again, hungry, humble people with an insatiable appetite to learn more, and people that are just generally good people. I don’t want to waste time with people I don’t like. So, I have to like them, I have to think I can be helpful, and they have to really invest in that relationship as well. And it’s awesome giving back.
I have a lot of people that I’ve mentored on a one-hour, a year basis or a less frequent time, but as I’m now starting to become an angel investor myself, I’m constantly trying to find people that I think I can help because with my money, comes my much more valuable resource, my time.
And that’s something again that I’m trying to be pretty maniacal on is who am I investing in because there’s a very limited amount of time that I have, so where can I put it to make the most impact?