Life Flipped Upside Down


Just 35 years old, with a 2-year-old daughter, Kim Hammonds was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her whole life was flipped upside down. How did she cope? What did she learn? How has it made her stronger today?


Just 35 years old, with a 2-year-old daughter, Kim Hammonds was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her whole life was flipped upside down. How did she cope? What did she learn? How has it made her stronger today?

Kim Hammonds shares the harrowing experience of being a young mother, diagnosed with breast cancer. An incredible, life-changing event.


Keith Krach

So, Kim, early in your career, you're a young mother, you find out you have breast cancer. Tell us about what that experience was like and how you did it, and how's that it affected you, personally, and also in your business career?

Kim Hammonds

Yeah, so I was 35. Our daughter was two. Her name is Zoe. And, I was actually getting, I had an opportunity to move to be the CIO of Volvo Cars. When Ford Motor Company still owned Volvo.

Keith Krach


Kim Hammonds

And, I actually, obviously wasn't able to take that opportunity because I needed to go in for immediate treatment. So I was diagnosed on a Friday, I started cancer treatment on Monday, and,

Keith Krach

So your entire world flipped upside down.

Kim Hammonds

My whole world flipped upside down. I mean, I had learnings that I don't think people, most people realize until maybe retirement, I would call it that. Which is, I felt like, somebody was basically laying me on the floor and saying, "You now need to pay attention." You need to pay attention to what's important. Not everything's about the career. And, just be fearless. And so I became much more fearless. Just in terms of, if I can survive this, I can do anything.

Keith Krach

I mean, it was almost like you were totally reborn, right? I mean enlightened.

Kim Hammonds

I would say, paying closer attention. And kinda have a different perspective on everything. And, it reinforced my value system on everything. Like, how are you gonna be remembered? And then

Keith Krach


Kim Hammonds

What are people gonna say about you?