Lessons From Breast Cancer

Amy Banse


Breast cancer changed Amy's view on work, life, and leadership. She emerged from her battle with confidence in her skillset and strength, taking lessons from her personal fight and applying them to a wider context.


Breast cancer changed Amy’s view on work, life, and leadership. She emerged from her battle with confidence in her skillset and strength, taking lessons from her personal fight and applying them to a wider context.


The experience you had with breast cancer, would you say that it changed or informs the way that you lead now and how so?

Amy Banse

Oh, that's an excellent question. Yes, I think it did inform the way I lead now, in a number of ways. One, it's certainly increased my belief in myself that I can get through difficult situations. And so having that confidence is unquestionably empowering. I think I've always been somebody who out of ambition or ignorance has been willing to take on a challenge. And getting through some of those challenges, including breast cancer, only builds confidence. So I think it was helpful in that respect.

I think it was also helpful recognizing that people wanted to support you, knowing that my company, Comcast, supporting me through that was second nature to them. Wasn't an issue. If I wanted to come to work and work, great. We want you here. That's why you're here in the first place. If I needed to take a day or two to recover from chemotherapy, totally get it. No worries. We'll back you up. So the leadership at Comcast was incredibly supportive and knowing that you've got that support is enormously strengthening, too.


And that's what you try to practice today?

Amy Banse

And then the team, watching your team support you and encourage you. And so to your question, how did it shape my leadership style? I think it contributed to or reinforced what I learned from Ralph early on, which is we're only as good as the people we work with, as the strength of the relationships with the people we work with


Ralph being the founder of Comcast.

Amy Banse

Ralph being the founder of Comcast. And, you know, recognizing that people, and culture and heart, and stamina of a team is more critical to success, I think, than almost any other factor.