Leading Change Risk & Resilience

Learning from Failure

Tarang Amin


How does Tarang respond to failure in his company? Well, to start, he doesn't fire people for failing. Instead, he celebrates the learning and growth, and helps his team move forward.


How does Tarang respond to failure in his company? Well, to start, he doesn’t fire people for failing. Instead, he celebrates the learning and growth, and helps his team move forward.


So, can you give us an example of how you respond to failure in your organization? Let's say someone takes on a risky new project, it falls flat, what happens in the company? What happens to that individual?

Tarang Amin

Well, I don't think we've ever fired anyone for making a failure. Instead, we do the opposite, we actually celebrate those moments of someone really stretching and trying to lean into something that they feel is a bigger vision, and as I said, we try to fail small, so we're not making enterprise-wide decisions without really trying a bunch of different things and having greater confidence, and so kind of creating that culture where it's okay, failure is alright, we were learning from it and it's a learning culture where you learn about this is what worked, what didn't work, and here's what we're going to go do about it, and I actually have a process by which we go through that; I talked about our postmortems - if we did something and it didn't work, there's never an issue of something not working, the bigger issue is not trying.