Growth Mindset Leadership Style

Leading with a Growth Mindset

Sandy Venugopal


The most successful leaders seek out opportunities to learn, grow and adapt. Here, Sandy reveals how she’s investing in her personal development as a leader to better serve her team.


The most successful leaders seek out opportunities to learn, grow and adapt. Here, Sandy reveals how she’s investing in her personal development as a leader to better serve her team.


For yourself, if you had to select one quality to develop as a leader, something that you’re still working on or want to work on, what would it be?

Sandy Venugopal

I think I touched upon one of them before. I continuously think about how can I foster more innovation in my team? How can I get my team to think beyond the box or think beyond the limits of today? That is something I’m learning to figure out, how I can encourage and model that for my team.
And I think the second thing that comes to mind is constantly working on how I can influence. The nature of my role is one where there are so many different stakeholder groups and business leaders I work with on a daily basis. Each of them has a very different style and approach. But my team builds a lot of products and solutions to help them grow their business and deliver results in their world.
So, the ability to influence, to make changes to either business policies or processes or technology choices is very, very important. And it’s a skill that I continuously think about improving to make sure I’m able to have that influence across the board that I need to.