Leadership Style Shared Playbook Team Success

Leading And Lagging

David Chun


When looking at your business' health, there's a difference between leading and lagging indicators. Here, David breaks down the difference between key metrics, predictive analysis, and his crystal ball strategy.


When looking at your business’ health, there’s a difference between leading and lagging indicators. Here, David breaks down the difference between key metrics, predictive analysis, and his crystal ball strategy.


And so when you're measuring the performance, what are some of the key factors to measure?

David Chun

Yeah, I mean, there are leading indicators and there are lagging indicators. So it's so critical to look at the leading indicators. So for example, our business model is based on subscriptions, right? So companies subscribe, they pay an annual fee for our data and the decision to renew or not renew, that's a lagging indicator. And if you wait until you see that, it's too late. So we're looking at the leading indicators to say, okay, the product usage, our outreach, how often are we engaged with them? So I think it's important to recognize, okay, the metrics you're looking at, are they going to help you catch any potential negative outcomes early enough versus, okay, well, it's great to know that, but, well, what do I do at that point? It's too late. So I think it's important to really understand, as you think about the metrics. The thing that you don't want to get caught up is having too many metrics. Because then it's like, okay, what do you focus on? So it's really hard. It's a challenge in many businesses to really find out what are those key leading metrics in the key areas.


Okay. So once you're looking at all the metrics and you decide, some or some or not where you'd like them to be. Can you share with us any strategies that you have to regularly improve the way your team operates?

David Chun

Yeah. So we meet as a team, we have a leadership team about 15 of us that meets every Monday at noon. And then we would break down to a smaller subset of us, of seven of us, the E Team after that. And so that meeting that we have every Monday, the participants in that meeting, each of us has a slide of just key metrics that they're tracking for their respective areas. And those are distributed on Friday afternoon. So people have a chance to review these. And then we come in as team to discuss any of the key issues to go over. And then we'll pull our heads out of the sand and just say, okay, we're on this, are we down the right path? What do we need to tweak? So, yeah, so we'll do the offsite twice a year. But yeah, really the weeklies are really staying on top of things.