Leadership Style Passion Values & Purpose

Leadership Driven by Intentionality

René Lacerte


When asked what guides his leadership style, one word comes to mind for Rene Lacerte – intentionality. For Rene, that means trying to find meaning in everything he does. Dive in to learn how that approach gets him excited for work every day.


When asked what guides his leadership style, one word comes to mind for Rene Lacerte – intentionality. For Rene, that means trying to find meaning in everything he does. Dive in to learn how that approach gets him excited for work every day.


How would you describe your personality and your behavioral preferences? And can you give some examples of how they shape your leadership style?

René Lacerte

Yeah, one of the things that comes at my core is a lot of intentionality. And it can be a curse, meaning that everything I do has purpose. And yes, I do let the hair down, not that I have a lot of hair, but I do let it down. But there usually is a purpose behind any decision I make, how I think about things. And that intentionality means that when I build a company, I start with what are the foundational elements that I want. And so when I decided to start either company, it was to help other people. That’s the thing that gets me excited every day.

And so the way you help people is you help when you’re private, you help employees, and you help obviously, customers. When you’re public, you’re now really involved with investors in that front too. So, there’s a way to make a difference to make people’s lives better that I think is engaging in meaningful work. And so that intentionality is like, so how do I do that? And if you think about the company only exists because of the people we have, the culture and the intentionality around the culture, how is it that you can drive a culture that doesn’t need you there every day, that actually, what they need is the freedom to express themselves. And you have to agree on how the expression, the expressive items are going to be, and that’s our values, the foundational values that I would say that we have.

But I think that intentionality about, what are the things that I’m going to be excited about being a part of, from a cultural perspective? And so we picked people that are passionate about what they do, how they do it, people that are humble, they have no ego, they listen and learn. They are dedicated to each other and to our customers, they’re authentic in who they are and they’d like to have fun together. Those five things, if I can hire people that agree that those are all great things to have, then I’m going to have fun and we’re going to do great work together and if we keep honest on those five things, then I think we’ll have an interesting opportunity to do some amazing things together.