Insatiable Curiosity

Keith Krach


Among Keith's many qualities that have contributed to his success, he counts curiosity as one of the most important. For diplomats and civilians alike, he can't recommend it strongly enough.


Among Keith’s many qualities that have contributed to his success, he counts curiosity as one of the most important. For diplomats and civilians alike, he can’t recommend it strongly enough.


You possess an insatiable curiosity. Every time I see you, you have some new information or like really great information. How important is curiosity to leadership success?

Keith Krach

Everything. By the way, just the example we gave in terms of being able to empathize and to love hearing a person's story, that curiosity is huge, because with that you can really get to know somebody and be able to empathize with them. And the other thing is, when you're curious, you'd never come across as like self-righteous or hoity-toity or arrogant. I mean, you're just curious. I mean, I'm just curious. And by the way, the people who are best at it are kids. They're our role models because they're just curious, why? And by the way, they have no agenda. They are pure, pure, pure curious.



Keith Krach

And so it's a very important skill, whether you're a diplomat or business or just anything or you're in a relationship.


I would imagine, though, it's one thing to be curious, but you have to over time develop some strategies to keep cultivating that. So can you share with us some things that you consciously do to keep learning and keep maintaining that growth mindset?

Keith Krach

Yeah. Well, I think the biggest one is probably continue to jump in water over my head. Because when you do that, you're expanding your comfort zone. And when you expand your comfort zone and you have a lot of adventures behind you, then what you're able to do is you're able to get great pattern recognition and understand universal principles. My whole life has been doing that. And so from that one adventure, you're able to take it and apply it to the next one, and do a bunch of experiments too, some don't work, some do. And so you just keep getting this cumulative effect that may even be a basis for wisdom after a while.