Feedback & Coaching Shared Playbook Values & Purpose

Importance of Core Values

Andrew Chau


In this clip Andrew shares his approach to creating a shared team playbook for his company. It all starts with a company’s core values. Listen in to learn how the rest of the playbook comes together.


In this clip Andrew shares his approach to creating a shared team playbook for his company. It all starts with a company’s core values. Listen in to learn how the rest of the playbook comes together.


What advice would you give leaders about creating a shared team playbook, a strategic plan that everyone within the organization is aligned to?

Andrew Chau

Oh, love it. Yeah, so the way I generally kind of train this is that, I sit on a lot of boards, and I mentor different entrepreneurs, and so, I have a formula. So, it sounds formulaic, I’m just telling you it’s formulaic.

If you start with your core values, everything, every good organization starts with core values, and then you build your vision. So, my vision was, a company that bridges culture, by bringing worlds together, that’s my vision. All right, and then how? Well, I do it by making things accessible, I do it by storytelling, I do it by making people feel included.

So, your strategy is principles, your vision, and then some basic initiatives. And then under your initiatives are what you call tactics, some more sub strategies, right? So, tactics are how, so I’ve strategies, principles, and then I do tactics. And then, people right now, if I were to give some feedback to most young leaders, is that most people think tactics first. They’re like, “Oh, I should put flyers everywhere, I should do Facebook ads.” I’m like, what was your principle? What was your strategy and your mission first? If your mission is to be accessible, is to create intimacy, then a Facebook ad is not intimate, so don’t do Facebook ads. But you started with the tactic first, not your strategy first. So, I always tell people, start with your upper level, strategy and mission, and values first, and then the rest will come.