Immigrant Hustle

Komal Ahmad


At a very young age, Komal Ahmad took on some big responsibilities - like changing, feeding, dressing, and educating her younger siblings. These tough early years contributed to a fierce mindset she has held onto as she battles world hunger.


At a very young age, Komal Ahmad took on some big responsibilities – like changing, feeding, dressing, and educating her younger siblings. These tough early years contributed to a fierce mindset she has held onto as she battles world hunger.

Komal Ahmad is living proof of the value of learning to pitch in, work hard and take on big responsibilities at an early age.


You know what I'm struck by as I talk to you is that you have like this strong personality like you when you know you want something you go get it where does that come from? Have you always been that way?

Komal Ahmad

It's probably a better question for my parents but yes I mean I am the oldest of how many of three and you know I am an immigrant so I have that immigrant hustle in me yeah I also you know we didn't grow up with a lot of money when I was growing up and so my mom after she gave birth to my youngest brother she 2 and 1/2 weeks later she went back to work and so at 8 years old you know I think I was in second grade I changed all of his diapers I you know fed him I clothed him I taught him how to pray I taught him how to read at 8 years old you probably went in second third grade at the most yes yeah and so you know from a very young age I was an adult and so that I think probably accelerated my fierceness and I think that that maybe even that motherhood gene that's in me between copia and between raising my youngest brother uh-huh you know it is it lives strong.