How Much Money do you Really Need?

Dan Springer


As CEO of DocuSign, Dan Springer's financial take-home is no secret. When his stock in the company enriched him beyond what he deemed reasonable, he set out to create a policy that could be emulated by other business leaders, merging his philanthropy with his work and matching donations to important causes.


As CEO of DocuSign, Dan Springer’s financial take-home is no secret. When his stock in the company enriched him beyond what he deemed reasonable, he set out to create a policy that could be emulated by other business leaders, merging his philanthropy with his work and matching donations to important causes.

As CEO of DocuSign, Dan Springer’s financial take-home is no secret. When his stock in the company enriched him beyond what he deemed reasonable, he set out to create a policy that could be emulated by other business leaders, merging his philanthropy with his work and matching donations to important causes.


Dan Springer

I believe that when you get to be a CEO of a public company usually by then especially if it's a tech company you have a fair amount of equity in the company which investors like yes and then you get incremental grants and because of what's happened with CEO compensation you get pretty large equity grants and I've come to the realization that I don't need any more stock and DocuSign to make me 100 I love the company I'd be committed with no economic connection but I have a lot of stock already and so I'm gonna take all my incremental grants and donate the money from those grants to individual nonprofits in the cities where we operate and the first one we're doing is the Boys and Girls Club and building the clubhouse.


I love that.

Dan Springer

Yes, so I'm hoping I'm hoping some other CEOs might say do I really need that extra grant like what am I really gonna do with that yeah I have money.


How much money do you really need to be happy?

Dan Springer

Yes, happy yeah and to try to set an example because you know there's a new concept about comparing the CEO compensation to the median employee and so a lot of CEOs upset saying oh it doesn't make me look very good and I'm saying I got a great way to solve that problem give away that give away the equity portion which is the bulk of where the compensation come from.


We know there's there was an interesting report that just came out this week with a lot of the world's top leaders a lot of the you know top thinkers of our day really think if that is right up there with one of the biggest crisis we're facing right up there with climate change is economic inequality so what are some of the best practices that you use to encourage your co-workers colleagues friends whomever to become more engaged on social problems and and perhaps even take the lead on social problems?

Dan Springer

Yeah, well one thing we're starting to try to do at DocuSign specifically is with that impact Doc's on impact foundation that you talked about we created the model of matching gifts right and so we've said if you guys will make donations to organizations that you personally are excited about we'll match them which is common but we have a challenge we have a lot of young employees that live in cities like San Francisco and Seattle and they're expensive cities to live in so even though they have what most people would consider healthy salaries they don't think of themselves you know as having sort of extra disposable income so we're trying to change that mentality and start to do things like double matches and triple matches oh and we also have thing called dollars for doers so if you say if you don't have extra dollars you want to give if you give your hours of time we'll give dollars where you did nonprofit.


That's a great idea to try to get people into this mode because I think they'll be happier as I told you before they'll be happier people if they're helping others in giving and so we're trying to get even more aggressive pushing our employees to be not only donate their time as we've always done but to make financial contributions as well.