Gotta Make Some Rules

Audrey Cooper


Being editor-in-chief of the San Francisco Chronicle is a demanding job. Make that an all-consuming job. Is there time for a personal life? For FUN? There’s got to be. But sometimes the only way to get there is to make some rules.


Being editor-in-chief of the San Francisco Chronicle is a demanding job. Make that an all-consuming job. Is there time for a personal life? For FUN? There’s got to be. But sometimes the only way to get there is to make some rules.


You work a lot, because as we both know, news never sleeps. It's sort of a 24/7 job. So then how are you able to maintain some degree of balance in your life? What do you do for fun?

Audrey Cooper

Huh? Fun?


What's that?

Audrey Cooper

This fun thing you speak of. Well, I have a I have a son who turns 7 today.


Yay, happy birthday.

Audrey Cooper

And a husband...Yes, happy birthday to him. And I think my husband would probably laugh at that too, because, you know, last night I was home at 12:30. I had so much work to do. But we just came back from vacation so...I think they're both really proud of me. My son loves to tell anyone, whether you are an Uber driver, or a barista, or anyone, "My mom is the editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, and she's the first woman..."


That's so cute.

Audrey Cooper

It's kind of mortifying though, because he'll tell anyone and sometimes it's very inappropriate. But yes, I mean he's very proud of that. He loves going to the newsroom. And I try to set rules like, I have a personal rule that I will only be out away from bedtime a maximum of four nights a week. Sometimes it's much less than that. But during September, September is always crazy, so September, if somebody asks me to go do something, I say: "Sorry I already maxed out. I only do 4 nights a week, and already have four." And I need those rules, because I don't do things in moderation very well. And if I don't have a rules, like whether it's carbs or working, I don't do well with moderation. I have to just have rules for myself.


Do you still... there was a time when you volunteered for San Francisco City Guides, it's a nonprofit that provides walking tours of San Francisco.

Audrey Cooper



Do you still do that?

Audrey Cooper



You still do?

Audrey Cooper

I do. The last two weeks, I gave my tour of the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood, which I love doing because, I mean my day job is what we call the first draft of news. And then to look back all the way to the Gold Rush and before, I just think is really fascinating. And I love the city so much, I want to share it with all of our tourists and show them how great it is.