
Get Geeky!

Gail McGovern


As a self-described "geeky quantitative sciences major," Gail is a big fan of numbers. She uses them for all sorts of stuff, and accountability is no exception.


As a self-described “geeky quantitative sciences major,” Gail is a big fan of numbers. She uses them for all sorts of stuff, and accountability is no exception.


Can you describe for us one leadership practice that you have established to hold people accountable on your team?

Gail McGovern

Hold them accountable? So we do operation reviews every month and I get to see revenue from fundraising. I get to see productivity metrics for our biomedical organization. We just take a look at the numbers and if they're soft spots, we try to understand it. But we have a cadence that we follow. It just figures out whether or not we're performing. And I literally get daily reports on how many units of blood we've collected. I mean, I'm a geeky, quantitative sciences major, what can I tell you? I like looking at numbers.