Innovation Leadership Style Team Success

Fostering a Culture of Innovation Within the Frameworks of Design Thinking

Sandy Venugopal


More leaders are considering design thinking as a way to look beyond their products and bring their focus to all aspects that come into what they’re offering. Sandy explains how this approach optimizes creativity while providing guidance and structure to her team.


More leaders are considering design thinking as a way to look beyond their products and bring their focus to all aspects that come into what they’re offering. Sandy explains how this approach optimizes creativity while providing guidance and structure to her team.


You alluded to design thinking earlier. Why do you think design thinking has become so popular among leaders?

Sandy Venugopal

I think it’s the notion of bringing so many different perspectives. To me, there’s an element of, hey, it’s not just a product or a service. You need to think about all aspects that come into what it is that you’re offering.
You need to be very mindful of, again, opening up creativity, but then making sure you’re not losing that creativity as you go through the journey of launching something or building something.
So, I think the notion of to me, the factors that resonate the most are really around different perspectives, bringing them all in, and then giving them a little bit of guidance and structure to make sure you’re not losing key elements because there’s not enough merit behind it or not enough support behind it.
You still want to keep those things going and don’t lose sight of that, is a bit of what I enjoy about it and where I sort of emphasize that with my teams.