Fork in the Road? Take it!

Tim Draper


Failure is an unavoidable part of leadership. But what kind of failure can you grow from? Hear about Tim Draper’s approach to failure.


Failure is an unavoidable part of leadership. But what kind of failure can you grow from? Hear about Tim Draper’s approach to failure.

Tim Draper recognizes that failure is just a part of leading. His biggest failures have been failures to act. So now he’s adopted Yogi Berra’s philosophy: “When I come to a fork in the road, I take it!”


Tim Draper

Failure is something that every every entrepreneur and really every leader needs to understand that that's a part of leading You lead you fail, you lead you fail and then eventually you lead you succeed.


Do you have a really big failure? Something that has actually overtime become a cherished failure because it really taught you an important lesson in life and has affected your life in a positive way today? Well absolutely and I would say the biggest failures I've had are the failures to act. So the ones where I did not invest in a company or I did not try something, those have been my biggest failures, and so now whenever I find myself in the fork in the road as Yogi Berra says, I take it.