First Attempt In Learning

Sylvia Acevedo


What do many of the most powerful women in America have in common? They were Girl Scouts. Sylvia’s vision for the organization takes girls on a journey to build courage, competence and character, where it’s ok to try, fail, and try again. For Sylvia and the Girl Scouts, “FAIL” = First Attempt In Learning.


What do many of the most powerful women in America have in common? They were Girl Scouts. Sylvia’s vision for the organization takes girls on a journey to build courage, competence and character, where it’s ok to try, fail, and try again. For Sylvia and the Girl Scouts, “FAIL” = First Attempt In Learning.

Girls are so often shut down after their first failure — told, “Oh, this is just not for you.” Sylvia talks about the empowering atmosphere of the Girl Scouts where FAIL is just your First Attempt In Learning.


Sylvia Acevedo

We're really great at letting girls try and fail and especially for non-traditional activities what happens to a girl in mainstream co-ed environments is you try something like that they go oh you're not good at it that's not for you she gets one time here we let you we actually call failure “first attempt in learning.” It's not failure it's how you get to success this is great and so for girls they realize even though they may feel awkward at first maybe they they didn't think this was for them we really know how to get them interested as soon as you're interested then your confidence increases and then when your confidence increases then you're on that road of competence and that's the reason why so many executives in Silicon Valley, female, were Girl Scouts, that's why half of all female elected officials in America - Girl Scouts, why almost all the top Fortune 500 women leaders that were born in the U.S., they were Girl Scouts.


I didn't realize that!

Sylvia Acevedo

Yes, it's amazing. you know 60% of the women in Congress Girl Scouts only 74 percent of the US Senators female senators Girl Scouts all three secretaries of state Girl Scouts almost every female astronaut in space a girl scout so we know weird 7% of the population but we know how to interest girls and once you're interested how to get you confident and then confident I mean our mission is to create girls of courage confidence and character you make the world's a better place.