Communication Feedback & Coaching Passion

Finding a Voice That’s True to Ourselves

Rodrigo Liang


Rodrigo Liang is a spirited and engaging speaker, but he says it’s a skill that did not come naturally to him. In this clip, he explains how everyone has the potential to become a great communicator, so long as they can find their authentic voice.


Rodrigo Liang is a spirited and engaging speaker, but he says it’s a skill that did not come naturally to him. In this clip, he explains how everyone has the potential to become a great communicator, so long as they can find their authentic voice.


I can see how you’re a room, you work the room, people gravitate to you, you’re magnetic. But what about you know, not everybody’s comfortable in that kind of environment. What advice would you have for them about how to network, how to build these relationships?

Rodrigo Liang

Thuy, it’s like, you know, to give you…So, when I was young, my mother thought like, maybe this child does not speak.


Really? Because you’re talking a lot now.

Rodrigo Liang

Because I could sit by myself and play for hours, like, hours. And so I think to some extent, it’s us being comfortable with our own voice. We all have a little to contribute. I’ve got some ideas to contribute, and not all of us— at different times of our development, we’re not comfortable with it necessarily. Maybe I don’t know this crowd that well, I don’t know this topic that well. There are many reasons why. But I feel like for most people in a professional environment, it’s an important thing to learn how to do, within the context, within kind of who they are.
Most people can really tell somebody’s being artificial, being something who they’re not, but within their own voice. Everyone’s got their own story. And so, finding a way to kind of establish that voice that’s true to ourselves, and be able to contribute, and contribute in a way… I think that’s all it takes. I don’t think take takes much more than that. And slowly, we kind of become comfortable in our own skin, as far as kind of being able to participate at that level.