Find Your Voice

Nikole Collins-Puri


Nikole Collins-Puri has learned at Techbridge Girls and through other ventures that her voice has WEIGHT. She talks about the importance of finding and using your voice to support your mission -- also about the importance of vulnerability.


Nikole Collins-Puri has learned at Techbridge Girls and through other ventures that her voice has WEIGHT. She talks about the importance of finding and using your voice to support your mission — also about the importance of vulnerability.

Nikole Collins-Puri has learned at Techbridge Girls and through other ventures that her voice has WEIGHT. She talks about the importance of finding and using your voice to support your mission — also about the importance of vulnerability.


On the flip side, what would you say is one big thing you've got right, as a new leader?

Nikole Collins-Puri

Well, you know, I would say that what I've got right is, of course, being able to grow and sustain an organization. I have had the ability now with Techbridge Girls, but even in my formers, to really grow something that has sustainable power and huge impact. And so, of course, I say that that has been one of my greatest highlights. And to be recognized by individuals and institutions about that leadership always feels good.

But what I feel like I'm starting to get right is really recognizing the power of vulnerability and the power which I actually do hold. And I think that probably, even when you have a title, and it's because of my experiences, you often question what power you actually have, or you downplay it. And the reality is that I have quite a bit of power and my words are weighted. And my influence is heavy. And I need to understand that in regards to the impact of supporting staff and our partners


Yeah, in 2018, you were honored by the Golden State Warriors for your community work. In 2020, you were named Nonprofit Professional of the Year by the group Nonprofit Pro. If there was something you could say, just one thing that you can say to every aspiring leader in the world, what would it be and why?

Nikole Collins-Puri

I would say find your voice and be clear with it and use it to help you move your passion or your mission. Because once you find your voice and you are confident in it, nothing becomes impossible.