Growth Mindset Leadership Style Team Success

Feedback Balance

Trier Bryant


Feedback isn’t one sided when you’re receiving it from Trier Bryant. And that’s an expectation she sets for members of her team on day one. Hear more about her leadership style and why dialogue is important to Trier when she gives or receives feedback.


Feedback isn’t one sided when you’re receiving it from Trier Bryant. And that’s an expectation she sets for members of her team on day one. Hear more about her leadership style and why dialogue is important to Trier when she gives or receives feedback.


What about when you need to deliver critical feedback to a colleague or perhaps a member of your team? Do you have some strategies that have worked well? And have you tried some things that did not work so well in the past?

Trier Bryant

Yes. So, I am really big about managing expectations, in both my personal and professional life. And so, I think that if we can manage those expectations up front more clearly, then people know what they’re getting themselves into. If you come and work for me, you know day one, you’re going to get your feedback real time in a direct fashion with examples, and I also expect a conversation, I expect dialogue, right?
So that when it happens, you’re not like, “Whoa, Trier, it’s really direct, right?” I told you that was going to occur. But also again, going back to radical candor, caring personally, and people also know that I care about them very deeply. And so, you know removing that emotion, and it’s like, oh, yes, and leaving space for reactions, right? And having a dialogue. The reason why I say a dialogue is important when I give feedback, is because sometimes I’ve given feedback on behaviors or things that I’ve observed, and the person goes, I did that intentionally.
Great, let’s have a conversation. Strategically why was that? Help me understand, so that you’re not having other people receive it in that way. And I’m the same way, right? Like someone will say, “Ooh, Trier, you were really harsh in that meeting.” I was, that was intentional, let me tell you why, right? This is a group that we need to get them across the line, and this is how we are communicating. So, I think the people need context, and I think that’s where the discussion and the dialogue provide that context, so we can all make sure that we’re on the same page.
I think the other part is to be direct, but also specific, specific is very important. And also, feedback is not always negative or constructive. I think it’s really important to reinforce what folks are doing, and I know that that’s an area where I can do better, right? But I do want to say yes, Lori, that was awesome, do that again, right? That was a great quarterly meeting, that was a great monthly meeting, I would love to see that same thing happen next time. Hey Kim, the way you told that story, that works so much better than the way that we told it last time we did a keynote, keep doing that. Let’s reinforce positive behavior, so that there’s a balance.