Accountability Feedback & Coaching

Enjoy the Journey!


“Enjoy the journey!” That’s the most important piece of advice Rami hopes his mentees take away from him. Learn why Rami encourages others to have fun and enjoy challenges in the present, instead of becoming fixated on their next career move.


“Enjoy the journey!” That’s the most important piece of advice Rami hopes his mentees take away from him. Learn why Rami encourages others to have fun and enjoy challenges in the present, instead of becoming fixated on their next career move.


What are the top three things everyone needs to do to be a good mentee?

Rami Rahim

So maybe the first one would be is don’t get comfortable. Always be open to taking on that next challenge, learning what your limits are, even in the face of doubt and uncertainty about how well you’re going to do. You’re never going to know if you don’t actually try it. And I don’t have a perfect recipe for that. Honestly, you just have to fight the internal battle and win it for yourself. And more often than not, that means actually going for it.
I think it’s important to be open minded. I think the worst mentees are those that are absolutely convinced that they know themselves with 100% certainty. And I don’t think that anybody knows themselves that well. So, treat all feedback as a gift, an opportunity to learn on how to improve and an opportunity to be just more self-aware. And then maybe most important is enjoy the journey. It’s not always about the destination. If you live for the future, life’s too short for that. So don’t get so fixated on the next career step. I’ve seen too many friends of mine that were so fixated and enthralled with that next step that they forget what’s most important, which is do an amazing job, thrive at what you’re doing today and get recognized for it. But then also have fun, actually enjoy the challenge that you face today. Enjoy the opportunity to go and create this next big product to change an industry to delight your customers. And that is the recipe for success in my mind.