Don’t Get Locked into Linear

Nikole Collins-Puri


How to find your path? Don't focus so much on the path as on the passion. Pay attention to what gets you excited. What you lean into. Your path can zig-zag if takes you from passion to passion.


How to find your path? Don’t focus so much on the path as on the passion. Pay attention to what gets you excited. What you lean into. Your path can zig-zag if takes you from passion to passion.


For all the young people out there who are trying to figure out their passion or perhaps even for mid career folks who are considering a career pivot. How should they go about thinking about that and pursuing that path?

Nikole Collins-Puri

I've been reflecting on this a lot because one of the best feedbacks that one of my mentors gave me, actually at AT&T, is that, you know, don't get locked into the linear path. You know, don't think that, you do this and then you go to that, and you go to that. And it's a linear path because it's not. But what is really important is to understand and reflect on the path. And in the process of like, what is getting you excited? What are you leaning into? What makes your heart just flutter an extra beat? What, you know, do you work that extra length or extra hard around because you're able to do that skill or do that thing?

I think often times we get so wrapped up in things, like, what do you want to be when you grow up or what do you want to do? And we forget about maybe just focusing on what are the attributes and characteristics and skills that you enjoy demonstrating and using that gets you excited. Because you are, you know, you can you can put those things in any delivery method. Right? But you've got to be real clear about what is it that that gets you up in the day. Like what you fighting and what will push you to do, go the extra mile and hone in on that and say, like, how do you do more of that? And then I think, you know, you will ultimately start to find your passion path because you're following what gets you excited and what you want to hone in on and continue to learn.