Greater Purpose Passion Risk & Resilience

Do The Work

Jim Gibbons


Jim's blindness has helped him build up a serious well of resilience. Here, he reflects on adapting to change, overcoming barriers, and how to harness adversity with a positive attitude.


Jim’s blindness has helped him build up a serious well of resilience. Here, he reflects on adapting to change, overcoming barriers, and how to harness adversity with a positive attitude.


Your blindness has forced you to become resilient in so many different situations. How would you say resilience has served you as a leader and why is it such an important leadership asset as we move into the future?

Jim Gibbons

I think it boils down to the thing that we are all going to experience the most and more rapidly is change. And when the external environment in your life changes, resiliency is critical for you to be able to adapt for you to be able to have that agility. And that's both a mindset and skillsets. And pulling those together are the critical factors for allowing an individual to be agile and resilient


Change can be really scary. So for you, Jim, what do you do to maintain a positive attitude in the face of accelerating change?

Jim Gibbons

First I think you have to have a willingness to embrace it. And second, you've got to do the work. The work has a lot to do with lifelong learning and exposing yourself to diversity, and new ideas that involve work. And even today, I try to read a lot of things from a lot of vantage points and a lot of perspectives so that I have this influx of information and perspectives so that I can try to adapt and continue to mature and learn from my mistakes and keep moving forward.